Hitman 2 images
Hitman 2 images

However, the events of Hitman 3 means that their time with the ICA is going to be short-lived, as 47 and Olivia whistleblow the entire organisation, and in turn outing all the agents, contractors and people killed as part of a data leak to the public.

  • Doomed by Canon: The reason they're playable characters in Hitman 2 is that sniper missions are used as induction tests into the ICA, and the The Shadows mobile game has them become part of a proper sniper unit Initiative 426, officially becoming ICA agents in the process.
  • That said, that isn't a high bar to reach, considering 47 is usually a Silent Protagonist unless circumstances require him to speak.
  • Deadpan Snarker: They're far more snarky and snappy than 47, making frequent quips during the briefings.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Stone was sent to prison for a few years because of an illegal family business he had no knowledge of.
  • Crazy Survivalist: Knight's family - not to any extreme degree and Knight doesn't like that Stone calls them 'preppers', but in the Himmelstein mission they can talk about the fact that she apparently did spend most of her childhood living in the wild.
  • Continuity Nod: Stone is mentioned by a pair of NPC's in Hitman 3's Mendoza level after one of them asks to covertly hire him, now that The ICA is no longer around, strongly implying Stone got work as a mercenary for hire.
  • hitman 2 images

    Cool Shades: Knight wears some pilot sunglasses by default, but does remove them in Siberia.Cold Sniper: Despite being friendly to one another, they're still fearsome foes on the battlefield, ready to murder anyone in their way.Awesome Mc Cool Name: Knight admits that Captain "Spider Lily" Thak is a cool nickname to have.Alongside four other members, they are collectively known as "Initiative 426", meaning they do become members of the ICA as an elite sniping unit. Ascended Extra: They are the main characters of Hitman Sniper: The Shadows, with Knight in particular serving as the starting character being able to do headshots in an AOE, but has limited upgradability.This would continue with Hitman Sniper: The Shadows, where 47 is outright M.I.A. And Now for Someone Completely Different: They are the first and currently only time when 47 is not the Player Character, though only in Sniper Assassin's co-op mode.Affably Evil: In contrast to the reticent 47, Knight and Stone often engage in friendly banter and communicate well with one another.The Ace: They're both brilliant snipers, almost on the level of the legendary 47.

    hitman 2 images hitman 2 images

    Diana is trying to convince Stone to join the ranks of the ICA, and is keeping an eye on him, though Knight has not been approached with a offer herself due to her age and record. Knight is a mercenary sniper who's often paired up with Stone, an ex-con out of prison that has serious agent potential. The main characters of the Hitman 2 Sniper Assassin mode when played in co-op. Agent Stone (Left) and Knight (Right) Citizenship: Unknown Appearances: Hitman 2 | Hitman 3 (Stone is mentioned) | Hitman Sniper: The Shadows Affiliation(s): ICA Voiced By: Ina Marie Smith (Knight), Osy Ikhile (Stone)

    Hitman 2 images